01379 741993 [email protected]

Newsletter December 2021

Welcome to our final newsletter for 2021, at best we can say it has been an “interesting” year, in many ways unique and hopefully won’t be repeated but I’m not holding my breath!  As I’m sure you will have appreciated, Covid has imposed many different working...

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Can water achieve net zero?

With increasing pressure on water supply, can marginal gains move water supply  close to net zero? Click here to read the PDF of the article published in the Water Industry Journal, June 2021.

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Educational Videos

With lockdown learning now the “norm” we are delighted to offer a detailed presentation on the dangers of lead in water supplies and how to deal with it cost effectively.

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Smarter building systems

With Government initiatives to get us out of the mess caused by the Covid virus and the probable shortfall of skilled trades post Brexit, Modular construction is perhaps the best way of trading out of these troubled times. Our product range not only facilitates the...

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Protecting the Network. Protecting your staff.

Safe working practices are especially important under current circumstances – but protecting the water supply is also critical. Common current practice means staff are prevented from entering customers’ properties.  This means inspections, where a possible...

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Groundbreaker® Enhanced product qualification

We are delighted to announce that our Groundbreaker® product now has even more qualifications to its name than ever before. To meet the stringent conditions laid down across the world (where we get a bit more sunshine than in the UK) we have had the product verified a...

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INSUduct – Taking the lead in Lead

If your property was built before 1970 it could have a lead water service pipe, to check if you have, compare it with the images below.    If you do have a lead water service read on ... Replace lead water supply pipes in under 2 hours...no major excavations, minimal...

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Water services on tap

Water services on tap - Modular Construction Modern methods for modern developers: In recent times two major themes have emerged for developers to satisfy the urgent demand for homes and how best to make those homes “smarter” and therefore more environmentally...

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Is Tradition failing?

It is now established that the UK water industry accepts that up to 25% of treated water leaks from its water mains and services every year, this equates to 120 TONNES of carbon which is valued at around £M9.5 per DAY!, all of which invariably has to be borne by the...

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