by owsAdmin | Jul 4, 2022 | News
Are you flushing your money down the drain? That’s the question everyone is asking. Were you aware that heating water can use up to 20% of a household energy usage? By use of our LoFlo product, water consumption can be reduced by up to 35 litres per person per day,... by owsAdmin | Mar 4, 2022 | News
Save water, save the environment – that is the message being promoted by all responsible organisations from DEFRA to Water Companies to environmental agencies; for our part, we are delighted to have been accepted as an affiliate to Waterwise, the independent,... by owsAdmin | Jan 26, 2022 | News
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2022, I’m sure everyone is hoping for a better year than we have had for the last two. As you will be aware, we are not only constantly striving to stay ahead of market forces, but also to work with the Water Regulations and Water... by owsAdmin | Dec 1, 2021 | News
Welcome to our final newsletter for 2021, at best we can say it has been an “interesting” year, in many ways unique and hopefully won’t be repeated but I’m not holding my breath! As I’m sure you will have appreciated, Covid has imposed many different working... by owsAdmin | Jun 22, 2021 | News
With increasing pressure on water supply, can marginal gains move water supply close to net zero? Click here to read the PDF of the article published in the Water Industry Journal, June...